Healey-Driscoll Administration Files $987 Million Immediate Needs Bond Bill and $400 Million Chapter 90 Bill Proposal seeks critical authorization for key housing & economic development programs

NORTH ADAMS - Today the Healey-Driscoll Administration filed legislation that seeks $987 million in bond authorization to preempt interruptions to core state capital programs supporting housing and economic development across the Commonwealth, and to remain competitive in the pursuit of federal grants. The administration also filed An Act Financing Improvements to Municipal Roads and Bridges, which authorizes the Commonwealth to borrow $400 million to fund improvements to municipally owned roads and bridges through Chapter 90 grants over the next two fiscal years.  
The Immediate Needs Bond Bill is aimed at providing funds for critical infrastructure programs that have exhausted existing resources, such as MassWorks and the Middle Mile Broadband program. Governor Healey and Lieutenant Governor Driscoll announced the filing on Thursday at Greylock Works in North Adams and Ludlow Mills, two projects that previously received MassWorks funding and represent the impact this program has on local communities.   
The bill also proposes authorization to ensure the continuity of several other ongoing housing production and preservation programs in the near-term. It includes key grant programs that support cities and towns for libraries, seaport development, housing, tourism, planning, and targeted funds for rural and small towns. Finally, the bill includes state matching funds to position the Commonwealth to take advantage of opportunities to compete for once-in-a-generation federal grant dollars in areas including climate change, advanced manufacturing, broadband access, water and sewer infrastructure, and technology.  
