Voting in RI Today

Voters in Rhode Island will be able to make their primary selections today. According to ABC 6 in Providence, polls across the Ocean State opened as early as 7 a.m. Some key races that we’ve been keeping an eye on at ABC 6 News include both the Democratic and Republican gubernatorial nominations. Incumbent Governor Dan McKee faces former Secretary of State Matt Brown, Helena Buonanno-Foulkes, Secretary of State Nellie Gorbea, and Luis Muñoz on the Democratic side. For the Republican nomination, the battle remains between Ashley Kalus and Jonathan Riccitelli. There are two candidates competing for the Democratic nomination against Incumbent Lieutenant Governor Sabina Matos.


There are seven total candidates looking to land Rhode Island’s second congressional district seat, six of them are Democrats. The winner will face Republican Allan Fung in November’s general election.
