JCIIs Defense Team Goes Before The First Circuit Court of Appeals

The Boston-based Defense Team for Convicted Former Fall River Mayor Jasiel Correi has filed an 11-page brief with the First Circuit of Appeals seeking delay the self-surrender date that is set for this Friday, April 22, before noon.


Defense Attorney William Fick continues to argue before the First Circuit Court of Appeals that Correia has ''raised substanital issues about the insufficiency of the evidence relevant to every count for which he was convicted''.


Correia's Defense Team argues that statements made by Defense Attorney Kevin Reddington regarding not splitting the case into seperate trials were made without his client in the room. 


Defensea Attorney Fick also maintains that Correia should have a new trial on the counts on which he was convincted in 2021, pointing again to a piece of video that was shown to the jury of a Correia Sutter Mayoral Debate in whcih Correia stressed his business acunem regarding the Sno Owl App. 

