Robin Murphy, one of the 'Satanic cult' killers, is up for parole. Could she go free?

NATICK — Forty-four years after she confessed and was convicted of killing her lover in the infamous Fall River “Satanic cult murders,” Robin Murphy, 61, is asking the Massachusetts Parole Board for her release, again. 


As he has done at previous hearings for her release, state Rep. Alan Silvia, the retired city detective who worked on the three gruesome murders, said he’ll be at the March 5 parole board hearing to speak out against granting Murphy’s freedom. 


“My position hasn’t changed. I think she’s a danger to society,” said Silvia. “She was released once on parole, which she violated. She’s not someone, I believe, who can live in society without placing others at risk. I’m concerned about that.”


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