Diman and HealthFirst have partnered up. Students can get free health care

ALL RIVER — Starting in early March, the more than 1,400 students at Diman Regional Vocational Technical High School will have free access to doctors right in their building. 


HealthFirst Family Care Center announced it is partnering with Diman to open the area’s first school-based health center. Diman Assistant Superintendent and Principal Andrew Rebello said that means students can see a doctor with no co-pay. 


"Instead of students missing school for a doctor’s appointment, they can be seen here,” Rebello said. “This allows students to receive the next level of care without missing an entire day of school for an outside medical appointment.” 


“We have been looking to open a school-based health center in the SouthCoast since 2021,” said HealthFirst Chief Operating Officer Linda Medeiros. “We look forward to supporting the students of Diman and the Greater Fall River area.” 


Read more from Dan Medeiros at
