Perhaps a New Diman

The first steps in the process to obtain local financing for a new Diman Regional Vocational and Technical High School were taken last night in Somerset, as the three-member Board of Selectmen listened to Diman Superintendent Dr. Elvio Ferreira make the case for a new building to be financed  with more than 145 million in M-S-B-A dollars, with the rest of the $293 million dollar price tag to be paid for by those in Fall River, Westport, Somerset and Swansea. 


Fall RIver would pay 76 percent of the local share, with Somerset paying 9%, Swansea 8% and Westport 5%, which is also the current percentages of students coming from each community. 


Ferreria indicated the current wiaiting list for a slot at Diman is well over 300 students. 


Town Meeting in Somerset, Westport and Swansea will likely make the decision this Spring, while Fall River voters would go to the traditional ballot question. 
