Governor Baker Nominates Justice Kimberly Budd to Become Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court

Governor Charlie Baker has nominated Associate Justice Kimberly Budd to serve as Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court. 


If confirmed, Justice Budd will be the second Black Chief; second female Chief and first Black female Chief. She will replace Chief Justice Ralph Gants who tragically passed away earlier this fall.


“Justice Kimberly Budd is a distinguished and well respected jurist who will bring years of calm, steady and collaborative leadership experience to the Commonwealth’s highest court serving as Chief Justice,” said Governor Baker. 


“I have the utmost confidence that her unique perspective and understanding of the law will aid her as she transitions into the role of Chief and that under her leadership, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court will continue its tradition of excellence in promoting the rule of law and fostering public trust,” he continued. 


Associate Justice Budd was appointed to the Supreme Judicial Court by Governor Charlie Baker in 2016. Since her appointment, she has authored over 85 decisions. She also serves on the Hearing List Committee.


“Throughout her career, Justice Budd has served as a role model for women and people of color and she has given a voice and a seat at the table to those who have not always been heard,” said Lt. Governor Polito. 


“Her qualifications and character make her well suited to continue to serve the citizens of the Commonwealth with justice and integrity and I look forward to the consideration of the Governor’s Council in her appointment.”


Justice Budd is President and Dean of the Flaschner Judicial Institute, designing continuing education programs for judges. 


She also serves as the Court’s liaison to the Committee on Judicial Performance Evaluation, the Trial Court Leadership Group, the SJC Standing Committee on Pro Bono Legal Services and the Judicial Youth Corps.


“This was a wonderful appointment by the Governor,” said former Chief Justice Roderick L. Ireland. “Justice Budd will do a fantastic job because she has all the tools necessary for the role.”


“She is brilliant, hardworking, analytical, collegial and astute,” he said. “She is a great writer and a tremendous human being. I have watched her career over the years and am certain that Justice Budd will do an outstanding job as Chief Justice.”
