A Wrap for the U-S Census

Massachusetts Hits 99.9% Complete in 2020 Census! 

OCT. 23, 2020 — As of the end of data collection for the 2020 Census, 99.9% of housing units and addresses have been accounted for in Massachusetts. 


The U.S. Census Bureau conducted an operational press briefing with senior Census Bureau leaders this week to discuss details of the once-a-decade count. The audio, transcript, FAQs and background material are available in the press kit.  


Total response rates are also available for other states, along with self-response rates down to the census tract level. Note: Self-response rate information does not depict how many housing units have been counted in an area. 


Additionally, Nonresponse Followup completion rates show the completion of each area census office’s workload, which included following up with nonresponding households, verifying respondent-provided addresses, resolving the status of vacant housing units, and other quality checks on self-responses and census taker work. These rates do not equate to enumeration rates in the area. 


The U.S. Constitution mandates a census of the population every 10 years. The 2020 Census counts everyone living in the United States as of April 1, 2020. In addition to determining the number of seats each state holds in the U.S. House of Representatives, census results inform how hundreds of billions of dollars in federal funds will be allocated for the next 10 years for critical public services and infrastructure like emergency response, fire departments, schools, hospitals, roads and bridges.  
